Receive a full-time contract (40 hours per week) with flexible working hours. Decide for yourself when your workday starts and ends.
We'd love to see you at the office every Wednesday, but you can choose your work location on the other days.
We like to stay in touch with you, so you will receive a laptop and iPhone for your work.
You can choose between a company car with fuel or a mobility budget for personal transportation.
Knowledge sharing is in our DNA. Choose from unlimited e-learnings and use your annual training budget.
We celebrate not only birthdays and work anniversaries but also other milestones in your life, such as passing exams successfully.
Consultday offers me a lot of flexibility, freedom, and a strong learning curve. I can always rely on the extensive knowledge and experience of all my colleagues, which provides a great sense of security.
At Consultday, I can beautifully combine my passions for HR and data in a leading role that suits me: no-nonsense, results-driven, and with curiosity for the latest technology.
Curious about how HR and IT solutions can be better and simpler in your organization? We have the answer.
Plan your Consultday